West Union becomes a Main Street Community
West Union explores downtown street renovation idea & Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) begins integration of sustainable practices into programs
March 2008
March 2008
IEDA proposes West Union's participation as pilot town in an integrated streetscape sustainable strategies project
March 2008
March 2008
Twenty local organizations endorse West Union’s participation in IEDA Green Streetscapes Proposal
June 2008
June 2008
West Union is designated an Iowa Great Place
June 2008
June 2008
Proposed streetscape project costs are estimated at $11.8 million
July 2008
July 2008
West Union hosts a Green Streets Planning and Design Workshop at the American Legion, attended by State and Federal representatives
July 2008
July 2008
The State of Iowa designates West Union a "Green Pilot Community." A contributing factor was downtown runoff affecting water quality in Otter Creek and ultimately the Turkey River.The state was looking for a model to highlight solutions to urban storm water problems.
July 2008
July 2008
The City of West Union resolves to consider a loan agreement for the Downtown Improvement Project - authorizing bonding up to $4.25 million debt ceiling
Seventy energy audits are completed in West Union businesses leading to $46,000 in community energy efficiency investments; The project partners: IEDA, Main St West Union, Alliant Energy, Black Hills Energy distribute $11,500 in grants to cover some of the energy efficiency project costs
May 2009
May 2009
HVAC & insulation contractor training sessions are held
June 2009
June 2009
Learning session is held to explain the project to citizens
Fall 2009
Fall 2009
IEDA awards $1 million to West Union to stimulate GreenStreets project
January 2010
January 2010
West Union receives $100,000 HUD Challenge Grant
January 2010
January 2010
Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) staff concludes IUB does not have jurisdiction over West Union’s proposed geothermal system
April 2010
April 2010
Planned Green Streets proposal covered in the Des Moines Register, the article highlights the notion, this project could be a national model
May 2010
May 2010
West Union city council votes to not issue a special assessment on street improvement project to downtown businesses, largely because $5.7 million has already been received in grants
October 2010
October 2010
Green Streetscape groundbreaking ceremony kicks off the downtown, $10.2 million, "21st century," street rehabilitation, project. Mayor Dunt states “Today marks a special point in history for the City of West of Union. As our forefathers did many years ago, we are now turning the page for this community and making a new mark. This new effort toward sustainability and conservation hopefully will set a new positive tone for West Union and bring prosperity that is needed for survival of small towns such as ours.”
October 2010
October 2010
West Union adopts “Deeply Connected” as its official tagline
December 2010
December 2010
The Iowa Department of Transportation grants West Union a $2.3 million RISE grant for roadway portion of Streetscape Project
IEDA secures USDA/Rural Community Development Initiative grant to hire KCL Engineering to conduct a geothermal feasibility study
January 2011
January 2011
Iowa Department of Natural Resources includes West Union in their “Clean Water Starts With You,” publication highlighting the downtown’s Green Streetscape project “...shows how improving water quality impacts Iowa’s environment, recreation, economy and quality of life.” - Bill Ehm, IDNR Water Policy Coordinator
March 2011
March 2011
The City approves a budget for fiscal year 2012, which includes a tax increase of $2.977 per $1,000 of assessed value raising the levy from $11.33 to $15.45 per $1,000. City officials primarily attribute the needed tax increase to cover the rising cost of employee benefits particularly health insurance costs; city wide liability, property, and workman's compensation insurance. In addition, the purchase of a fire truck and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) agreement, Aquatic Center and general obligation bond note payments were noted as contributing factors, to the rise in property taxes. City Administrator Bob Vagts, says "There are always risks involved with something beneficial. The can do nothing or it can do something."
March 2011
March 2011
In addition, to a rise in tax asking, the city also announces the need for an increase to water and sewer rates beginning fiscal year 2012. Revenue loss due to lower water usage, sewer plant improvements, water tower painting, overtime wages due equipment repair following damaging weather events, and scheduled infrastructure maintenance lead to the demand for the rate hike
March 2011
March 2011
Two geothermal test wells were drilled to remove “guess work” in estimates
April 2011
April 2011
North Fayette Valley Middle School on East Main St. is torn down
April 2011
April 2011
$280,000 IJOBs grant for Civic Plaza - Council takes bids and a $245,392 bid is awarded to Wick’s Construction, Decorah
October 2011
October 2011
The Union headlines, “Project is 28% complete”
November 2011
November 2011
City Manager Bob Vagts forecasts to the council, users of the geothermal system will pay for its operation, “I don’t think the City will run it. The City will own the infrastructure but we will contract the running of the system to an outside source.”
March 2012
March 2012
West Union awards $1.44 million contract to Lincoln Nebraska firm, K2 Real Estate and Development, for geothermal well field construction. 132 wells, 300 ft deep, are installed on the courthouse square
April 2012
April 2012
Well field installation on the courthouse square begins and will continue through July 2012; underground line placement for the geothermal line placement eventually begins and 24 downtown businesses undergo geothermal feasibility studies conducted by West Des Moines firm KCL Engineering
July 2012
July 2012
The courthouse geothermal well field drilling is complete; KCL engineers inform business owners about the results of their geothermal feasibility reports, revealing current building heat & cooling systems mostly vary between 80 and 94 percent efficiency. Potential geothermal users are reminded grant funding and tax deductions are available to defray the cost of converting to geothermal energy usage;
July 2012
July 2012
Lions Park expansion site is scheduled for construction when one test well will be drilled, the pump installed, and the distribution line vault and pump house will be constructed; this future expansion site would have the potential for 252 future well sites and have a 504 ton potential capacity
May 2013
May 2013
131 N. Vine St.- original site of Gus & Tony’s Townhouse Restaurant burns
May 2013
May 2013
Discussions are held to determine the operation of the downtown shared geothermal system. City council has concerns the cost to operate the system may become a burden to city tax payers. Newly formed West Union District Energy LLC offers to lease the system and bear any unknown operational costs
May 2013
May 2013
West Union’s Green Pilot Streetscape Project is featured in the Larry King hosted television series “In View.”
August 2013
August 2013
Remodeling Construction begins on 113 S. Vine, The Williamson Building (old bus barn) to include heat pumps and connection to the shared geothermal system. This will be the future of home of Gus & Tony’s Town House Cafe
The City of West Union issues a five year geothermal system lease agreement, to West Union District Energy LLC, allowing the organization to operate and use the system
November 2013
November 2013
Fire destroys Unionland Feed at 108 S. Walnut, and the adjacent Top Hat Lounge at 122 E. Elm - geothermal glycol is leaked at a compromised stubbed U-joint connection in Unionland Feed COOP.
November 2013
November 2013
West Union District Energy LLC enters contract with Tri-County Refrigeration for general operation of the leased geothermal system
January 2014
January 2014
Downtown business heat pumps are connected to the West Union District Geothermal System at:
The Woodard Buildings, 114 S. Vine & 100 S. Vine; Wedemeier Building, 100 E. Elm; Fehr Graham, 128 S. Vine; Kerndt Brothers Bank, 205 N. Vine; Chamber of Commerce, 101 N. Vine; and West Union Public Library, 210 N. Vine
2016 March
2016 March
West Union Chamber of Commerce Downtown Revitalization video released
2017 April
2017 April
County Courthouse connects to geothermal system
November 2017
November 2017
Bank 1st connects to the Geothermal System
City of West Union continues to lease, without a signed contract, operation of the system to the West Union District Energy LLC
2020 March
2020 March
Winneshiek Energy Districts implements an IEDA funded project for the city of West Union to study the success of the West Union Shared Geothermal System