Technical Specifications
- Closed loop with 300 ft deep wells
- 132 wells (22 circuits) installed on courthouse square with 264 tons of heating and cooling capacity
- The geothermal system's pumps and control structures are located in the basement of the Fayette County Courthouse (see pics below)
- 8” supply and return lines below downtown streets
- 2” - 6” service lines stubbed to 57 downtown businesses and vacant lots
- 11 users and 56+potential users
- Approximately 220,000 sq ft of downtown commercial space could be connected to the system
Who Owns the District Geothermal System?
- The city of West Union owns the geothermal system
- The city does NOT have ongoing monthly expenses to operate the system
- A 3rd party user group known as West Union District Energy LLC (WUDE) leases the system from the city of West Union
- WUDE LLC contracts with a 3rd party operation and maintenance provider
- Currently, users pay a monthly fee of $14 per ton of heating/cooling capacity to use the shared system
Fayette County Courthouse basement
Future Expansion?
- Location: Lions Park
- One test well complete
- The pump house and distribution line vault are constructed
- The pump is installed
- The site has the space for 252 future well sites, with 504 ton potential capacity